Using "To Like" with other verbs

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In English we say use verb “to like” with other verbs e.g.
1) I like to eat mago.
2) She like to sing.
3) He will like to watch movie .

We have seen that “to like” in Marathi is आवडणे (AvaDaNe).

When using "To Like" with other verbs, the sentence formation in Marathi is :- 
Form of subject              
Main verb + आयला  (AyalA )

Form of आवडणे (AvaDaNe)
as per object
खा + आयला = खायला आवडतो (AvaDato)

1) Masculine
e.g. Mango -> आंबा (AMbA)
I like to eat mango :- मला आंबा खायला आवडतो
 (malA AMbA khAyalA AvaDato)
I like to eat magoes :- मला आंबे खायला आवडतात
 (malA AMbe khAyalA AvaDatAt)

2) Feminine
e.g. Bag -> पेटी (peTI) ; open -> उघड (ughaD)

He liked to open bag :- त्याला पेटी उघडायला आवडली
 (tyAlA peTI ughaDaayalA AvaDalI)
He liked to open bags :- त्याला पेट्या उघडायला आवडल्या
 (tyAlA peTyA ughaDaayalA AvaDalyA)

3) Neuter
e.g. Song -> गाणे (gANe)
She will like to sing song :- तीला गाणे गायला आवडेल
 (tIlA gANe gAyalA AvaDel)
She will like to sing songs :- तीला गाणी गायला आवडतील
 (tIlA gANI gAyalA AvaDatIl)

Negative Sentences :-
They follow same structure. We will use negative Form of आवडणे (AvaDaNe) as per object.

We have seen these forms in very beginning of the course
For Present tense refer “Simple Present Tense” section of  

For Past tense refer “Simple Past  Tense” section of  

For future tense refer “Simple Future Tense” section of

Examples :-
1) Masculine
e.g. Mango -> आंबा (AMbA)
I do not like to eat mango :- मला आंबा खायला आवडत नाही
  (malA AMbA khAyalA AvaDat nAhI)

I dot not like to eat magoes :- मला आंबे खायला आवडत नाहीत 

 (malA AMbe khAyalA AvaDat nAhIt )

2) Feminine
e.g. Bag -> पेटी (peTI) ; open -> उघड (ughaD)

He did not like to open bag :- त्याला पेटी उघडायला आवडली नाही
  (tyAlA peTI ughaDaayalA AvaDate)

He did not like to open bags :- त्याला पेट्या उघडायला आवडल्या नाहीत 
(tyAlA peTyA ughaDaayalA AvaDalyA nAhIt)

3) Neuter
e.g. Song -> गाणे (gANe)
She will not like to sing song :- तीला गाणे गायला आवडणार नाही
(tIlA gANe gAyalA AvaDaNAr nAhI)

She will not like to sing songs :- तीला गाणी गायला आवडणार नाहीत (tIlA gANI gAyalA AvaDaNAr nAhIt)

Listen examples in this lesson at

In all sentences we saw above, the object i.e. नाम of the sentence were inanimate objects.  What if object i.e. नाम was a person on living thing.
I like to see Kaushik.
He likes to push me(a boy). 

When talking about "persons"; we use "Preposition To" also with the proper noun/pronoun. Same as we do for subject of such sentence.
And verb is always formed with neuter-singular gender. 

Preposition "To" is explained in detail at
I like to see Kaushik -> मला कौशिकला बघायला आवडते (malA kaushikalA baghAyalA AvaDate.)

Here we used कौशिकला(kaushikalA) instead of just कौशिक(kaushik). And verb form is आवडते(AvaDate) which is neuter-singular even if object i.e Kaushik is masculine.

Another examples,
He likes to push me(a boy). -> त्याला मला ढकलायला आवडते (tyAlA malA DhakalAyalA AvaDate)
He likes to push her -> त्याला तीला ढकलायला आवडते (tyAlA tIlA DhakalAyalA AvaDate)
They will like to hold us -> त्यांना आम्हाला धरायला आवडेल (tyAMnA AmhAlA dharAyalA AvaDel)

Exercise: Try creating sentences with different verbs using above rules. Crosscheck them by creating same by “verb forms” feature on 
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